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Flox in 5 minutes

Flox is a virtual environment and package manager all in one. With Flox you create development environments that layer and provide dependencies just where it matters (Flox won't mess with your setup!), making them portable across the full software lifecycle.

Follow the steps below to see how easy it is to get started with Flox.

Quick start

  1. Install flox.
  2. Create a new environment with flox init
  3. Search for httpie with flox search
  4. Install httpie, fx and jq with flox install
  5. Activate the environment with flox activate
  6. Make requests with httpie, inspect responses with fx and jq.
  7. Push the environment to FloxHub with flox push
  8. Delete the local environment with flox delete
  9. Activate the pushed environment with flox activate --remote

Detail about each of these steps is below.

Install Flox

Start by installing flox.

Create a new environment

Flox has features that will be familiar if you've used other package managers before. However, Flox installs packages into environments as opposed to installing them into globally accessible directories across your entire system.

Let's create a new directory and create a new environment inside it with the flox init command.

$ mkdir flox_project
$ cd flox_project
flox_project $ flox init
✨ Created environment flox_project (aarch64-darwin)

  $ flox search <package>    <- Search for a package
  $ flox install <package>   <- Install a package into an environment
  $ flox activate            <- Enter the environment

We see that we've created a new environment called flox_project, where the name is taken from the name of the directory the project was created inside of. You can set the name during init with flox init -n <name>. See the flox init command reference for more details.

We also see that the environment was created for the system type aarch64-darwin, which is the machine type of the laptop this command was run on. This is another interesting Flox feature: environments know about different types of systems! This feature is part of the power of Flox and helps to ensure that your environments work where you think they will.

For now let's look at some of the commands that the init message recommended.

Searching for packages

We've created an environment, so let's use flox search to find some packages to install into it. We're going to do some API inspection, so we'll need httpie to make requests.

Let's search for httpie using flox search

flox_project $ flox search httpie
httpie                         A command line HTTP client whose goal is to make CLI human-friendly
python310Packages.httpie       A command line HTTP client whose goal is to make CLI human-friendly
python311Packages.httpie       A command line HTTP client whose goal is to make CLI human-friendly
python310Packages.httpie-ntlm  NTLM auth plugin for HTTPie
python311Packages.httpie-ntlm  NTLM auth plugin for HTTPie

Use 'flox show <package>' to see available versions

The first result is httpie, the package we're looking for.

We also see the package python311Packages.httpie. What's with the . in the name? Flox provides software in the form of a catalog. Some software is provided at the top level of the catalog, like httpie, but other software is available under package sets, like python311Packages. In this case, httpie is provided both as a standalone executable, but also as a Python module that can be installed and used within Python scripts.

Let's move on to the next command.

Installing packages

Let's install httpie with the flox install command. You should see the following output, where <path> is the absolute path to your environment.

flox_project $ flox install httpie
✅ 'httpie' installed to environment flox_project at <path>

Activating the environment

If you didn't already have httpie installed, when you run which httpie you'll see that the package isn't found:

flox_project $ which httpie
httpie not found

What gives? Didn't we just install httpie? Yes, but we installed it to our environment, and we haven't activated the environment yet. This shows you that you can make changes to an environment without needing to first activate it.

Let's activate the environment with the flox activate command:

flox_project $ flox activate
✅ You are now using the environment flox_project at <path>.
To stop using this environment, type 'exit'

flox [flox_project] flox_project $

We see a message telling us that we've activated the environment named flox_project that's located at <path>, where again <path> is the absolute path to the environment. We also see that our prompt has been modified to include the word flox and the list of environments that are active (just flox_project in this case).

Now let's see what happens when we run which httpie:

flox [flox_project] flox_project $ which httpie

The first thing to point out is that httpie is now found. The second thing to point out is that there's a new .flox directory in flox_project. When you create an environment, all of the metadata is stored in this .flox directory. In practice you would want to add this directory to source control.

Something you should try while the environment is activated is using any shell aliases or functions you've written for yourself. Those still work! If you were to work inside of a container all of the customizations you've made for yourself wouldn't be available.

Using the packages

Let's use httpie to make a request to a D&D 5th Edition API.

flox [flox_project] flox_project $ http get
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 1570
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Great, the API is working, but that's a lot of output.

Let's install fx, a tool for interactively viewing JSON, so that we can see how to extract the classes that can use this spell. We'll also install jq so that we can extract just this part of the response programmatically.

flox [flox_project] flox_project $ flox install fx jq
✅ 'fx' installed to environment flox_project at <path>
✅ 'jq' installed to environment flox_project at <path>

Now pipe the request to fx to explore the response. Navigate using the hjkl keys, and use the q key to exit. You should find this information under

flox [flox_project] flox_project $ http get | fx

Now let's use jq to extract this information for a different spell, wish.

flox [flox_project] flox_project $ http get | jq '.classes[].name'

What this just demonstrated is that you can install packages to an environment while it's active and they're immediately available, no need to exit and reactivate the environment. Speaking of exiting the environment, let's do that by typing exit.

flox [flox_project] flox_project $ exit
flox_project $

What did Flox just do for you?

The httpie, fx, and jq packages are written in 3 different languages. You didn't need to install any dependencies to run them, and you didn't need to figure out where to put any files.

To make things even better, now that you've exited the environment you should also be able to see that these packages are no longer available.

flox_project $ which httpie
httpie not found

The packages in a Flox environment don't pollute your system when you aren't using them.

Sharing the environment

One of the most powerful features of Flox is the ability to share environments. Let's push our new environment to FloxHub so that we can share it with other people.

We'll run the flox push command to push our environment to FloxHub. The first thing this will ask you to do is authenticate with FloxHub by entering a code that it displays in the terminal.

flox_project $ flox push
You are not logged in to FloxHub. Logging in...
> First copy your one-time code: <code>

Press enter to open in your browser...

Copy the code and press Enter. This will open your browser, where you can enter the code and log in to FloxHub. This will use GitHub to establish your identity, but it won't grant Flox any permissions to read or write to any of your repositories. Once this is done you can return to your terminal and you should see the confirmation message, where <user> is your GitHub username:

✅ Authentication complete
✅ Logged in as <user>
✅ flox_project successfully pushed to FloxHub

Use 'flox pull <user>/flox_project' to get this environment in any other location.

Let's test this out on our own system. We're going to delete the local environemnt and activate the remote one. Use the flox delete command to delete the local environment:

flox_project $ flox delete
You should see a confirmation prompt asking if you're sure you want to delete the environment.
flox_project $ flox delete
! You are about to delete your environment <user>/flox_project at <path>. Are you sure? (y/N)
[Use `-f` to force deletion]
Confirm the deletion. If you run ls -al you should see that the .flox directory is no longer there, indicating that there's no longer an environment in this directory.

Now let's activate the environment that we just pushed:

flox_project $ flox activate --remote <user>/flox_project
✅ You are now using the environment <user>/flox_project (remote).
To stop using this environment, type 'exit'
flox [flox_project] flox_project $

You can see that confirmation message now says (remote) to indicate that the environment you've activated is from FloxHub. The prompt is also modified to show the activated environments just as before.

You can use the flox list command to see the packages installed to the environment. Let's do that to verify the environment we've activated has the same packages as before:

flox [flox_project] flox_project $ flox list
fx: fx (31.0.0)
httpie: httpie (3.2.2)
jq: jq (1.7.1)

But wait, there's more!

With this quick introduction we've only scratched the surface! Flox environments have a number of other features that we haven't covered.

Environments are specified in a declarative TOML file called manifest.toml. You can edit the declarative environment configuration using the flox edit command.

With activation scripts you can run commands every time the environment is activated. It's possible to set environment variables that are present in the environment as well. Activation scripts can use the environment variables that you've set. These two features are particularly useful for performing initialization.

It's also possible to make certain packages available in the environment only on certain types of systems (e.g. install gdb on Linux, install lldb on macOS).

Have a look at the rest of the documentation to read more about all of the features that Flox environments provide.

Where to next?

Learn how to share and reuse environments.